Marriage Search

When searching, you must enter:

You can search for:

Sometimes with pre 1875 records you may not get the result you expect so try:

Registration numbers can be sequential as index books were scanned to create the records. Therefore the search results will display less information than records from 1875 onwards.

To achieve the best results you should use a 'less is best' approach. If you receive too many results then narrow your date range.

Search By/Rapua rānei mā te:
Family Name:
Ingoa Whānau
Given Name(s):
Ingoa Karanga
Mother's Given Name(s):
Ingoa Karanga o te Whaea
Search From Date:
Rapua Mai i te Rā
Search To Date:
Rapua Ki Te Rā
Or Search By/Rapua rānei mā te:
Registration Number:
Te Nama Rēhita
Query in progress
Photograph of a Māori birth registration dated 1930.
Photograph of a microfilm and microfiche reader showing indexes of births, deaths and marriages.
Photograph of Marriages in folders dated 1990.