The registration number is a unique number allocated to every registered birth, death, marriage or civil union, whereas a folio number as shown on the microfiche indexes available in libraries etc was allocated to each page of the physical registers. This means multiple records can have the same folio number.
You can sort the results by clicking on any of the headings. Clicking on the father's name in a birth search will sort family groups together.
The letter 'S' will appear if the child was stillborn at birth. If not, there will be a dash.
The search results include, where recorded, birth surnames, previous surnames and current surnames for an individual. The current name or previous name will appear at the top of search results before records matching your search criteria e.g. using the search criteria of Esther Jones, the list will show the current names or previous names before the birth names. See death example.
Some of the search results will have references to other BDM information which is used by us to assist locate the record e.g. Auck. Just ignore these references and over time these records will be amended.
The information that is currently collected is more extensive than in the past. For pre 1875 marriages we have created a single record where possible.
Death search results will only display a date of birth for deaths registered after 1971, alternatively the age at death will display.
You can also choose to order a product, either a printout or a certificate, by adding it to your basket. The basket has the cost of all the products you have ordered. A printout is generally a scanned copy of the record or, if the record has been updated, it will be typed. A certificate has less information and is a legal document.
The following are examples of Search Results you can expect to see:
Birth Search Results
Death Search Results - Esther Jones
Marriage Search Results